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Marketplace Setup (One-time)

Marketplace Setup (One-time)

Regular price $800.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $800.00 USD
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I will build your online marketplace on Shopify! This package includes:

  • Project managing the whole project
  • Building your site
  • Integrating up to 500 products (can help with 500+ as well for an additional cost determined based on the number of products)
  • Setting up automations through apps
  • Providing you with instructions for how to manage the store post-implementation

WHY ME? I regularly do this & I manage multiple marketplaces day-to-day. I know the tips and tricks to automate marketplace management. 

*This package does NOT include:

  1. The ongoing cost of store management apps (expect $150-300/m for automation)
  2. The premium theme (~$250-$380) you will likely need for improved store design
  3. Picking your products. You'll need to provide that direction and a complete listing of your products. We do not help you find products.
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